Results for «Going Meet-free»

Gossip Town

1h 38m

Hussein is a shy young man who is deeply in love with his beautiful cousin, Samiha. Samiha, however, is more impressed by her other out-going cousin, Lucy. To fan the flames of jealousy, Samiha's father starts a rumor that Hussein is dating the superbly beautiful actress Hind Rostom.

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My Playground

50m 39s

The film explores the way Parkour and Freerunning is changing the perception of urban space and how the space is changing the traceurs and free runners. Mainly set in Copenhagen the film follows the making of the first dedicated parkour park in the world. Designed by the danish team, Team JiYo.

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Gaza: Health Under Siege

43m 08s

After three wars in eight years and an ongoing eleven-year blockade, how are the people of Gaza coping? Many public employees, whether they are doctors in the large hospitals or waste management supervisors in the garbage dump, have been working without pay for over seven years. And yet despite this, the provision of basic public services continues through the tremendous efforts of people trying to keep the city functioning.

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Gaza: Health Under Siege

43m 08s

After three wars in eight years and an ongoing eleven-year blockade, how are the people of Gaza coping? Many public employees, whether they are doctors in the large hospitals or waste management supervisors in the garbage dump, have been working without pay for over seven years. And yet despite this, the provision of basic public services continues through the tremendous efforts of people trying to keep the city functioning.

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Dangerous Cities: Chihuahua

54m 08s

'Dangerous cities' is a fascinating and terrifying look at some of the world's most dangerous places to live. We travel to the most notorious cities on the planet to meet ordinary inhabitants and see their everyday struggles. But in the middle of all the chaos, there is often a glimmer of hope; those few who continue to love their cities and are valiantly trying to save them. This episode goes to the the Mexican border city of Chihuahua, under the control of the Sinaloa cartel.

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Dangerous Cities: Chihuahua

54m 08s

'Dangerous cities' is a fascinating and terrifying look at some of the world's most dangerous places to live. We travel to the most notorious cities on the planet to meet ordinary inhabitants and see their everyday struggles. But in the middle of all the chaos, there is often a glimmer of hope; those few who continue to love their cities and are valiantly trying to save them. This episode goes to the the Mexican border city of Chihuahua, under the control of the Sinaloa cartel.

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